Cold war and Post-cold War – The ebook
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Table of Contents
Foreword and Introduction of the Book……………………………………………….3
Definition of the Cold War…………………………………………………………………….5
Viewpoint of the Soviet Union
Soviet Union, Europe after 1945…………………………………………………………10
Expansion of the Soviet Union in Asia…………………………………………………20
The World Changed / The Downfall of the Colonial Systems………………32
Soviet Expansion in the Middle East and North Africa………………………..38
Soviet Takeover in South Half of Africa……………………………………………….51
Why Did the Soviet Union Fall?……………………………………………………………55
Russian System Change and Current Russia……………………………………….65
Viewpoint of the United States of America
USA in the Cold War 1945-1989…………………………………………………………..76
After the Cold War – USA Remained the Only Superpower 1989-2009….95
After the Loss of the Super Power Status – USA 2009-2020………………..116
History of Other Countries and the Post-cold War
Nuclear Bombs……………………………………………………………………………………140
Colonizers after the Colonisation: The European Union……………………..142
Development of Eastern and South East Asia……………………………………..150
Eleven Most Populated Countries in the World…………………………………..155
How Can Humanity Handle the New Age?…………………………………………..171
Steps Against the Corruption
Secrets and the Publicity……………………………………………………………………183
State Institutions Getting Self-government………………………………………..185
Corruption Crisis Management………………………………………………………….186
The Legal Aspect and the Morenization……………………………………………..188
Steps to Prevent Fraud and Corruption and the Taxation………………….190
Links to Contact the Author and References………………………………198, 199